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How to: tackle a 60 oz margarita

Adrienne (@Adrihui) and I chowing down on some nachos and finishing up our margaritas before we tackle the 60 oz. beast in front of us.

For size comparison. Bigger than her HEAD!

A couple margaritas deep and you and your friends, like me and mine, are undoubtedly already making rash decisions.

Taco Tuesdays at the Grand Leyanda Cantina with their late-night happy hour specials will do that to you. They just recently opened up so we thought we’d check the place out. (Stay tuned for a proper review of the eatery — I was too drunk to be bothered.)

As we scanned the menus for our next drink, we joked about ordering one of the big margaritas…

It’s $30! we laughed. Who would pay for such a novelty. We looked at each other, then at the special that read “60 oz.” And with that, Ayaka got up and made her way to the bar.

It starts. Ayaka (@AyakaPalms) and I.

How does it taste?”

And that, ladies and gents, was the beginning of the end.

If a bar tender challenges you and your friends to drink a 60 oz margarita in 10 seconds, don’t take him up on it. Not even with three of you — you just can’t do it.

We finished the colossal blue bowl of curaçao and tequila and then ordered another regular-sized margarita.

Why? I was not making sober decisions, so I would not be the one to ask.

We promptly dumped it into our empty 60 oz margarita glass and began to sip again.

The key to finishing the monster glass of alcohol? Have good friends there with you.

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